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Mini-course: Understanding nonlinear dynamics with finite data (Lecture 1)

Tid: On 2021-03-17 kl 15.15 - 16.15

Plats: Zoom, meeting ID: 633 8972 2507

Medverkande: Konstantin Mischaikow, Rutgers University

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This set of tutorial lectures will focus on five topics:

  1. I will provide an extremely a brief description of the subject of dynamical systems and argue that as currently framed is too rich a subject in an area of data driven science and engineering.  
  2. I will describe a courser approach to dynamics that is based on combinatorics, order theory, and algebraic topology.  
  3. I will discuss computational aspects and challenges associated with this new approach.
  4. I will describe how some results from classical dynamics can obtain via this approach.
  5. I will present some applications.