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Joana Cirici: A-infinity structures on almost complex manifolds

Tid: Ti 2022-01-18 kl 14.15 - 16.00

Plats: Zoom, meeting ID: 921 756 1880

Videolänk: https://kva-se.zoom.us/j/9217561880

Medverkande: Joana Cirici (Universitat de Barcelona)

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Abstract: Dolbeault cohomology is a fundamental cohomological invariant for complex manifolds. This analytic invariant is connected to de Rham cohomology by means of a spectral sequence, called the Frölicher spectral sequence. In this talk, I will explore this connection from a multiplicative viewpoint: using homotopy-theoretical methods, I will describe how products (and higher products) behave in the Frölicher spectral sequence. I will also review an extension of the theory to the case of almost complex manifolds and talk about some open problems in complex geometry that may be addressed using homotopy theory.