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Olivia Caramello: Grothendieck toposes as unifying 'bridges' in Mathematics

Tid: On 2022-08-31 kl 15.15 - 17.00

Plats: Albanova, FD5

Medverkande: Olivia Caramello (University of Insubria and IHES)

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FD5, Albanova (directions available here ).


14:15–15:00 Pre-colloquium by Ivan di Liberti in FB55.

15:15–16:15 Colloquium lecture by Olivia Caramello.
16:15–17:00 SMC social get together with refreshments.


I will explain the sense in which Grothendieck toposes can act as unifying 'bridges' for relating different mathematical theories to each other and studying them from a multiplicity of points of view. I shall first present the general techniques underpinning this theory and then discuss a number of selected applications in different mathematical fields.