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Jonatan Werpers: Underwater acoustics and numerical methods in defense

Tid: To 2024-03-07 kl 15.15 - 16.00

Plats: KTH, 3424, Lindstedsvägen 25

Medverkande: Jonatan Werpers (FOI)

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In air, the use of radio, radar, and optics is heavily relied on for communication, surveillance, and detection. Due to water's strong attenuation of electromagnetic waves, none of the above are available in the underwater domain. Instead, especially at longer ranges, sound waves are used in similar ways. Thus, accurate modeling and prediction of the propagation of sound waves is of great importance when operating underwater.

In the first half of this talk, we will give an overview of FOI's interests in the area of underwater sound propagation. We will describe some characteristics of the modeling problems and how they are approached using numerical methods.

In the second half, we will present a new method for using summation-by-parts finite-difference operators in singular coordinate systems, including an application in underwater acoustics.