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Simon Cooper: Tautological rings of Shimura varieties

Tid: On 2021-02-24 kl 13.15 - 14.15

Plats: Zoom, meeting ID: 685 0671 8075

Medverkande: Simon Cooper, Stockholms universitet

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I will discuss tautological rings of Shimura varieties of Hodge-type following Wedhorn-Ziegler. For toroidal compactifications these rings are described purely in terms of group theoretic data by W-Z. I shall instead focus on the non-compact case, which requires certain geometric input from the boundary. I will do this for Hilbert modular varieties in positive characteristic, generalising the methods used by Van de Geer in the case of the moduli of abelian varieties \(A_{g}\).

Note: The passcode was sent to the AG and NT mailing lists. If you're not on these lists and would like to attend, or are having trouble accessing the meeting, please email Wushi Goldring at wgoldring@math.su.se . To be added to the AG mailing list, please email Jonas Bergström at jonasb@math.su.se .