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Simon Telen: Toric varieties and Gibbs Manifolds in Convex Optimization

Tid: Ti 2023-02-21 kl 16.15

Plats: 3418, Lindstedtsvägen 25, and Zoom

Videolänk: Meeting ID: 621 8808 6001

Medverkande: Simon Telen (CWI Amsterdam)

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Entropic regularization for linear programming leads to intersecting a toric variety with the feasible polytope. In semidefinite programming, the toric variety is replaced by a new geometric object, called Gibbs manifold, and the feasible polytope becomes a spectrahedron. I will explain these concepts and present the example of (quantum) optimal transport. This is based on joint work with Dmitrii Pavlov, Bernd Sturmfels, François-Xavier Vialard and Max von Renesse.