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Stefan Reppen: Derived schemes

Tid: Fr 2020-04-17 kl 10.15 - 12.00

Plats: Zoom: stockholmuniversity, Meeting ID: 61376425818

Medverkande: Stefan Reppen

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This is the eight talk of the seminar on algebraic K-theory and derived algebraic geometry

The seminar will be held via Zoom


We present the infinity category of simplicial commutative rings and the homotopy groups, tensor products, and localizations of the objects therein. We then introduce the fpqc pre-topology on this category, define derived (pre)stacks and derived affine schemes before we present the notion of open immersions of derived stacks, leading us to the final (and main) definition of the talk; derived schemes.

Tillhör: Stockholms Matematikcentrum
Senast ändrad: 2020-04-17