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Louis Hainaut: Extended arXiv seminar

Tid: Ti 2020-05-26 kl 11.00 - 11.45

Plats: Zoom, meeting ID: 677 1560 0904

Medverkande: Louis Hainaut, Stockholms universitet

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I will give an introduction to the configuration spaces on graphs. Contrary to the case of manifolds, for graphs the unordered configuration spaces are easier to study as their ordered counterpart. This talk will mostly be based on the material present in the seminal article "subdivisional spaces and graph braid groups" by An, Drummond-Cole and Knudsen. I will present known results and computational techniques, and I will also present some of the most recent developments. If time permits I will talk about ordered configuration spaces and show how some of the results can be adapted from the unordered case.

Description: Louis Hainaut will give extended talk (45 min) on configuration spaces on graphs, mainly based on arXiv:1708.02351v5

Zoom Note: A password will be distributed through the mailing list (and is available upon request from the organizers).

Organizers: Tomas Zeman, Asaf Horev