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Wushi Goldring: Propagating algebraicity of automorphic representations via Langlands functoriality

Tid: On 2020-01-29 kl 15.30

Plats: Kräftriket, house 5, room 31

Medverkande: Wushi Goldring, Stockholms universitet

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My talk will have two protagonists: (1) Automorphic representations which -- let's be honest -- are very complicated and mysterious, but also (2) Involutions (=automorphisms of order at most 2) of connected reductive groups -- these are very concrete and can often be represented by diagonal matrices with entries 1,-1 or i, -i. The goal is to explain how difficult questions about (1) can be reduced to relatively easy, concrete questions about (2). Automorphic representations are representation-theoretic generalizations of modular forms. Like modular forms, automorphic representations are initially defined analytically. But unlike modular forms -- where we have a reinterpretation in terms of algebraic geometry -- for most automorphic representations we currently only have a (real) analytic definition. The Langlands Program predicts that a wide class of automorphic representations admit the same algebraic properties which have been known to hold for modular forms since the 1960's and 70's. In particular, certain complex numbers "Hecke eigenvalues" attached to these automorphic representations are conjectured to be algebraic numbers. This remains open in many cases (especially those cases of interest in number theory and algebraic geometry), in particular for Maass forms -- functions on the upper half-plane which are a non-holomorphic variant of modular forms. I will explain how elementary structure theory of reductive groups over the complex numbers provides new insight into the above algebraicity conjectures; in particular we deduce that the Hecke eigenvalues are algebraic for an infinite class of examples where this was not previously known. After applying a bunch of "big, old theorems" (in particular Langlands' own archimedean correspondence), it all comes down to studying how involutions of a connected, reductive group vary under group homomorphisms. Here I will write down the key examples explicitly using matrices.