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Publikationer från enheten för Ergonomi under 2009

International peer-reviewed papers

Wigaeus Tornqvist E, Hagberg M, Hagman M, Hansson Risberg E, Toomingas A. (2009) The influence of working conditions and individual factors on the incidence of neck and upper limb symptoms among professional computer users. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 2009; 82:689-702. DOI 10.1007/s00420-009-0396-7.

Kjellberg A, Toomingas A, Norman K, Hagman M, Herlin R-M, Wigaeus Tornqvist E. (2009) Stress, energy and psychosocial conditions in different types of call centres. Work (in press).

Neumann P, Eklund J, Hansson, B and Lindbeck, L (2009) Effect Assessment in Work Environment Interventions – A Methodological Reflection. Ergonomics, In Press.

Engkvist, I-L, Svensson R Krook J., Eklund J, Björkman M, Sundin E, Eklund M. (2009). Joint investigation of working conditions, environmental and system performance at recycling centres – Development of instruments and their usage. Applied Ergonomics, In press.

Eklund, J. Kihlstedt A. Engkvist I-L (2009). Sorting and disposing waste at recycling centres– a users perspective. Applied Ergonomics, In press.

Hemphälä, H. Kihlstedt A. Eklund J. (2009). Vision ergonomics at recycling centres. Applied Ergonomics, In press.

Holden, R.J., Patel, N.R., Scanlon, M.C., Shalaby, T.M., Arnold, J.M., & Karsh, B. (2010). Effects of mental demands during dispensing on perceived medication safety and employee well being: A study of workload in pediatric hospital pharmacies. Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy. doi:10.1016/j.sapharm.2009.10.001.

Book chapters

Toomingas A, Mathiassen SE, Wigaeus Tornqvist E. Arbete, arbetsliv, arbetslivsfysiologi. In: Toomingas A, Mathiassen SE, Wigaeus Tornqvist E (eds) Arbetslivsfysiologi. Lund: Studentlitteratur; 2009. p. 17-38.

Wigaeus Tornqvist, E. Arbete med krav på hög energiomsättning. In: Toomingas A, Mathiassen SE, Wigaeus Tornqvist E (eds). Arbetslivsfysiologi. Lund: Studentlitteratur; 2009. p. 39-87.

Wigaeus Tornqvist, E. Basic Work Physiology. In: Elgstrand K and Petersson N F (eds). OSH for Development. Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology; 2009. p. 65-87.

Bohgard, M., Karlsson, S., Lovén, E., Mikaelsson, L.-Å., Mårtensson, L., Osvalder, A.-L., Rose, L., & Ulfvengren, P. (Eds) (2009) Work and technology on human terms. Prevent.(Work environment in association with the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, LO & PTK). ISBN 978-91-7365-058-8, Stockholm, Sweden.

Bohgard, M., Karlsson, S., Lovén, E., Mikaelsson, L.-Å., Mårtensson, L., Osvalder, A.-L., Rose, L., & Ulfvengren, P (2009) Designing work and technology on human terms. Chapter 1, in Bohgard, M et al. (Eds) (2009) Work and technology on human terms. Prevent.(Work environment in association with the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, LO & PTK). ISBN 978-91-7365-058-8, Stockholm, Sweden.

Karlsson, S., Osvalder, A.-L., Rose, L., Eklund, J. & Odenrick, P. (2009) Design processes. Chapter 10, in Bohgard, M. et al. (Eds) (2009) Work and technology on human terms. Prevent.(Work environment in association with the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, LO & PTK). ISBN 978-91-7365-058-8, Stockholm, Sweden.

Lagerström, G., Rose, L. & Lovén, E. (2009) Work environment and economics. Chapter 12, in Bohgard, M et al. (Eds) (2009) Work and technology on human terms. Prevent.(Work environment in association with the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, LO & PTK). ISBN 978-91-7365-058-8, Stockholm, Sweden.

Osvalder, A.-L., Rose, L. & Karlsson, S. (2009) Methods. Chapter 9, in Bohgard, M et al. (Eds) (2009) Work and technology on human terms. (Work environment in association with the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, LO & PTK). ISBN 978-91-7365-058-8, Stockholm, Sweden.

Karlsson S, Osvalder A-L, Rose L, Eklund J and Odenrick P (2009) Design processes. Chapter 10. In Work and technology on human terms, M Bogard et al. (Eds.) (Work environment in association with the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, LO & PTK). Prevent. ISBN 978-91-7365-058-8.

Rose, L. & Mikaelsson, L.-Å. (2009) Occupational injuries. Chapter 11, in Bohgard, M et al. (Eds) (2009) Work and technology on human terms. Prevent. (Work environment in association with the Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, LO & PTK). ISBN 978-91-7365-058-8, Stockholm, Sweden.

Aronsson G, Eklund J, Randle H och Svensson, L (2009) Inte bara här och nu utan också där och då – Reflektioner om arbetslivsforskningen och det stora hållbarhetsprojektet. I: D Porsfelt, Arbetslivsforskning och hållbarhet. Arbetsliv i omvandling 2009:1. Växjö universitet. ISBN 978-91-89317-52-9.

Engkvist, Eklund, Eklund, Krook, Björkman Sundin och Kihlstedt Planera, utforma och driva en återvinningscentral. I-L Engkvist (Red) Avfall Sverige och Linköpings universitet.

Eklund, J, (2009) Ledning genom styrning och genom delaktighet, pp 127-138. I Ellström, P-E och Kock, H Mot ett förändrat ledarskap? Om chefers arbete i team och processorienterad verksamhet. Studentlitteratur, Lund.

Svensson L, Eklund J, Randle H, Aronsson, G (2009) Interactive Research – applications in connection with evaluation and efforts to develop the work environment. I "Perspektiv på arbetsmiljöarbete" Rapport nr 20, Halmstads Högskola, ISSN 1400-5409 och ISBN 978-91-978256-4-1.

Eklund J and Rose, L (2009) A network organisation supporting innovative product design. In M Döös and M Wilhelmsson (Eds), Organising Work for Innovation and Growth - Experiences and efforts in ten companies. VR 2009:22, Stockholm, Vinnova

Eklund J (2009) Hur påverkar arbetsmiljön kvalitet och produktivitet? I SOU 2009:47, God arbetsmiljö - en framgångsfaktor? pp 31-47, Stockholm. ISBN 978-91-38-23211-8.

Edited book

Toomingas A, Mathiassen SE, Wigaeus Tornqvist E, (eds). Arbetslivsfysiologi. Lund, Studentlitteratur, 2009.

Conference proceedings

Eklund, J and Brännmark, M (2009) Sustainable development for ergonomics improvement projects. Proceedings of the International Ergonomics Association 17th World Congress on Ergonomics in Beijing.

Poksinska B, Pettersen J, Elg M, Eklund J, Witell L (2009) Quality Improvement activities in Swedish industry: drivers, approaches and outcomes. Proceedings of the 12th QMOD Conference, Verona, Italy.

Pettersen J, Poksinska B, Elg M, Eklund J Witell L (2009) Quality Management in Swedish industry: concepts, practices and knowledge base. Proceedings of the 12th QMOD Conference, Verona, Italy.

Ayas, E., Eklund, J. and Ishihara, S. (2009) An Analysis on Affective Design of Servicescapes, Proceedings of the 12th QMOD Conference, Verona, Italy.


Vogel K, Karltun J (2009). Införande av rotationsschema på Scan i Skara 2009. Rapport från KTH och Tekniska Högskolan i Jönköping.