
CellNova executes research for the development and production of next-generation biological drugs. The long-term objective is to become one of the leading centers in the world for development and production of biological drugs. This will be achieved by leveraging competences and resources built up by the principal investigators, PI's, as part of other complementary efforts.
The centre focuses on four broad research program areas, each with clearly described work packages defined together with the participating industries. In the long term, the center will act as a foundation of protein and cell science research with many opportunities to build strong groups based on the young PI's of the center. <read more about CellNova>
Research programs
Four different programs are performed. The first two involve the development of novel cells for production of proteins. By combining genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics with bioinformatics and systems biology CHO and yeast-cells are further optimized for protein production. The third program will focus on the generation of the world's largest protein resource. This resource is used for drug development. Finally, in the fourth program, protein engineered variants of biological drugs based on a combination of antibodies and protein scaffold binders will be designed and evaluated. <Read more about CellNova Research programs>
Chalmers, Affibody, AstraZeneca, Atlas Antibodies, BioPetrolia, XBrane Biopharma, Cytiva and Olink Proteomics.
More than eight senior researchers have been engaged within CellNova during 2018.
CellNova receives approximately SEK 40 million, year 2018 -2023. Funding agency: VINNOVA.