Innovations for the Blue Planet 2024
International Conference

Welcome to the international conference Innovations for the Blue Planet 2024, to be held from 23 to 25 April 2024 in Stockholm. Water is a fundamental part of our planet, integral in its climate and weather conditions, and plays essential roles in society, human health and welfare, the functioning and health of ecosystems, and most of the Sustainable Development Goals. However, our progress on water-related goals and targets remains alarmingly off track, jeopardising the sustainable development agenda.
Time: Tue 2024-04-23 08.30 - Thu 2024-04-25 16.00
Location: Lilla Frescativägen 4 A, 114 18 Stockholm, Sweden
Language: English
The BluePlanet2024 conference aims to bring together researchers from different disciplines and other relevant societal actors to jointly discuss and explore the latest findings on processes, methods, and technologies for innovative solutions in a Water-Wise World. The purpose will be to connect multidisciplinary groups to debate key open water science questions.
It will be a 3-day conference, with two days dedicated to keynote presentations, plenary, poster sessions, exhibition and panel discussion, and one day dedicated to field trips. The field trips will be to Stockholm locations showcasing the importance and key roles of water in our societies. For the latter, participants can choose between three alternatives: Sjöstadsverket Water Innovation Centre, Djurö Marine Field Station, and the Utö initiative. The first two conference days will address the four main topics, with half a day dedicated to each topic:
Water and society
Water, blue food production, climate nexus
Circularity in water management
Digitalization in the water sector
The conference is organized and sponsored by WaterCentre@KTH together with Blue Food – Centre for Future Seafood and the Royal Swedish Academy of Science (KVA) with support from the KTH Digitalisation platform. Register via the following link:
Call for abstracts! All abstracts must be submitted through the online platform found via the following link: . EXTENSION of the deadline for abstract submission: 15th February 2024.