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TEDxKTH Salon: Why aren't politicians listening to scientists?

Join an exciting, interactive discussion about the gap between research on alarming climate change and the lack of necessary policy action.

Time: Wed 2023-01-25 15.00 - 16.30

Location: Ångdomen, KTH Library

Language: English

Participating: Jonna Bornemark, Olga Kordas, Elina Eriksson, Jonas Anund Vogel. Moderator Karin Larsdotter

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Why was the climate issue not debated during the Swedish election campaign? Why don't politicians in Sweden and globally listen to research related to the climate crisis? Do we have to wait for politicians to act or can the climate crisis be tackled in other ways?

Join an exciting, interactive discussion about the gap between research on alarming climate change and the lack of necessary policy action. According to the UN's global goal number 13, we must take immediate measures to combat climate change. A number of researchers connected to KTH are involved.