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The role of digitalization in achieving the climate goals

Climate Action Centre is hosting a workshop about IT and the climate. To participate in the workshop, a special invitation is required.

Time: Thu 2022-03-10 10.00 - 13.00

Location: KTH and via zoom

Participating: Francesco Fuso-Nerini KTH, Mattias Höjer KTH

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Digitalization can have a wide array of implications on the achievement of the climate goals. On one hand, digitalization can potentially enable smart and low-carbon societies, encompassing a range of interconnected technologies such as electrical autonomous vehicles and smart appliances that can automatize demand response in the electricity sector. Digitalization can also help to integrate variable renewables by enabling smart grids that partially match electrical demand to times when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing. Furthermore, it can support the understanding of climate change and climate adaptation measures. On the other hand, digitalization can have large effects on the global energy demand. Advanced digital technology, research and product design may require massive computational resources only available through large computing centers. Furthermore, the increased digitalization of strategic infrastructure presents some clear cybersecurity challenges for many of the infrastructures that are crucial to the climate transition. Moreover, the digital divide risks enforcing inequality, and there are negative environmental and social effects of production of hardware and in handling of e-waste.

This workshop will gather researchers, industry representatives, policy makers and members of the civil society in discussing specific aspects of how future digital technology can be used to support, rather than hinder, the achievement of the climate goals. The workshop is organized in collaboration between the KTH Climate Action Centre and Digital Futures.

The workshop will revolve around two key focus questions:

  • How can digitalization support organizations in reducing GHG emissions, either in their own operations or in other parts of society?
  • How can energy demand and GHG emissions due to digitalization and data centres be minimized?

The workshop will start with KTH researchers presenting some of the key scientific developments in the field, and each participant organization presenting what are the key questions they believe should be answered in this area within three thematic sub theme: technology, policy and collaborations. Through discussions, the objective of the workshop will be to identify priority work areas in this sphere, share knowledge, and start new trans-disciplinary collaborative projects addressing these questions.

Agenda: 10th of March, 10:00 – 13:00 (KTH - Teknikringen 1 (Google Maps). Remotely: zoom -

  • 10:00 – 10:25: KTH – introduction to the workshop and recent scientific work in the area
  • 10:25 – 10:45: Invited organizations: key challenges to be addressed for digitalization to positively contribute to their climate goals
  • 10:45 – 11:15: Facilitated breakout group discussion: prioritizing action on digitalization
  • 11:15 – 11:45: shaping new collaborative projects
  • 11:45 – 12:00: Conclusion and way forward
  • 12:00 – 13:00: Lunch