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KTH Live-In Lab is now a member of the Joint Programming Platform ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems

Published Jan 27, 2021

We are now a test bed under ERA-Net: The joint programming platform ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems (JPP ERA-Net SES) This means more opportunities for international projects.

Here you can see KTH Live-In Lab in the ERA-Net website: KTH Live-In Lab on the ERA-Net website

Information about ERA-Net from their website ERA-Net homepage :

ERA-Net SES provides a sustainable, reliable and efficient management structure for multilateral joint programming. The ERA-Net SES Steering Board and Management Board provide the framework for joint planning, decision making and collaborative implementation of joint calls and joint activities. The ERA-Net SES Coordination supports the partners in strategy, decision making and governance, cooperation of programs and partners, communication and dissemination, organisation of joint calls, contractual and financial management. Beyond that, ERA-Net SES is well coordinated with the European SET-Plan Action 4 initiatives.

Focus Initiatives Addressing Specific Challenges

  • ERA-Net SES Focus Initiative Smart Grids Plus (SG+) wants to further the development and integration of smart grids system-technologies, stakeholder adoption and market processes to help Europe make progress towards achieving its short-term 2020, medium-term 2035 and long-term 2050 energy targets. It promotes applied research, piloting and demonstration in the field of smart grids, with a focus on validation, scaling-up and replication. SG+ projects integrate the three layers "technology”, "marketplace” and "adoption”, aiming for solutions meeting medium technology readiness levels (TRL 5-6 to TRL 6-7).

  • ERA-Net SES Focus Initiative Integrated Regional Energy Systems (RegSys) combines technologies, market related solutions and means of stakeholder involvement in order to develop solutions that make it possible to efficiently provide, host and utilise high shares of renewables, up to and beyond 100% in the local or regional supply by 2030. Funded projects shall enable the participation of intra-regional systems in the inter-regional exchange of energy as well as in sharing responsibility to maintain the overall system performance. RegSys broadens the scope from electricity to smart energy systems, encompassing smart energy system integration, innovation ecosystem integration and cross sectoral integration. It aims to prepare or implement demonstration projects (TRL 6-7) that show potential for follow-up projects with market uptake measures (TRL 8-9) as well as, in selected areas, for concepts and technologies of TRL level 3-6 that show potential to become best practice by 2030.

  • ERA-Net SES Focus Initiative EnerDigit intends to help unleashing the potential of digitalisation for the energy transition towards a decarbonised, secure and resilient European energy system. It deals with digitalisation of energy systems and networks in designing, implementing and testing of interoperable technical and business ser-vices for energy systems. Beyond the funding of transnational RDD projects, it accelerates the development of transnational innovation ecosystems by maintaining a Transnational Validation Ecosystem of existing and upcom-ing living labs, allowing start-ups and innovative companies to test their solutions in different environments. Its Associated Partner Network with Digital Platform Providers enhances access for RDI projects to existing Data, Software, Service and Business platforms, providing development ecosystems for smart services that make it pos-sible to reach critical mass and create marketable solutions. EnerDigit also promotes the development of interoperable solutions enabling wider impact and use of applications, systems and services, by initiating a European Collaboration Platform for Interoperability Testing.