About KTH's platforms
The future problems and challenges are so complex that no researcher, research group or organisation can solve them in their own capacity. Consequently, multidisciplinary collaboration is needed between many stakeholders. KTH's platforms are virtual entities that gather research groups, centres, EIT-KICs and research initiatives from all parts of the university.
Multidisciplinary focus areas
In order to contribute to solving the complex problems and challenges of the future, KTH has defined multidisciplinary focus areas that each is covered by a platform:
KTH's vision is to be a globally recognised leader of inventive multidisciplinary research and a preferred partner by industry, government, agencies and relevant academia, attracting national and international funding for multidisciplinary research initiatives.
Platform objectives
Catalyse multidiscinplinary research activities
The objective is to facilitate and enable collaboration between KTH researchers, centres, EIT-KIC's, research infrastructures and strategic research initiatives by providing arenas for collaboration and interaction beyound the conventional channels of the linear organisation, and across schools and departments.
Build and maintain internal relations
The objective is to build and maintain internal relations across schools, departments, centres, EIT-KIC's, research infrastructures and other strategic initiatives in order to coordinate and a provide strategic input from the focus area to KTH's management.
Enhance external visibility and recognition
The objective is to create and maintain strong lasting relations with relevant external partners in order to establish KTH as a natural strategic partner, increase KTH's impact on society and industry within the focus area and to increase participation in decision-making bodies and strategic groups (on a regional, national and international level).
The platforms' steering group, which includes the vice president as chairman and all school (deputy) heads, decides on budgets and strategic issues. Ultimately responsible for the platforms is KTH's vice president for research.
Each platform acts as a team consisting of a director, one to two deputy directors, a reference group or equivalent together with the joint administrator and communicator.
The development of the platforms is anchored through recurring coordination meetings on a monthly basis with the platform team, platform coordinator and vice president for research. Topics that are common to all platforms are discussed there, such as strategic development, ongoing and planned operational work, exchange of experience and collaborations.