Second round of WISE academic projects approved

131 applications were submitted in the second academic PhD and postdoc project call (“ap2”) from which 54 projects have been granted funding.
The projects are awarded in total 166 million Swedish Crowns by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW). Awarded projects are distributed broadly across seven universities, Chalmers University of Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Linköping University, Lund University, Luleå University of Technology, Stockholm University, and Uppsala University, as well as selected groups at Umeå University.
– The WISE academic project program continues to attract projects of very high quality and relevance for sustainability and carried out by prominent researchers in each project’s research area, says Magnus Berggren, WISE Program Director.
The research projects are distributed across the entire spectrum of WISE’s research and thematic areas. The gender distribution of funded applicants is 35% women and 61% men (4% unspecified). Furthermore, 63% of the researchers granted funding have an academic age of less than 20 years, i.e., received PhD degree more recent than 20 years ago.
– The continued high success rate of female applicants stands out in comparison to other funding organizations and shows the high competence and promise of Sweden’s female researchers in this important and exciting field, says Olle Eriksson, vice Director of the WISE Program.
– We are excited to see returning members of the WISE community as well as new researchers joining our community in this round of granted projects, says Magnus Berggren.