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Virtual activities

The Centre’s activities are linked to the Department of Medical Technology and Health Systems, CBH.


  • Through innovations - visualize the invisible new working processes
  • Create functions - where images become available
  • Develop - image-based products
  • Initiate - competence development
  • Build creative networks - regionally and internationally

Overall goals

Healthcare, technology and research in the region will be a world leader in image function.

Working Envonment

With Jonasson's medical imaging center as catalyst and in collaboration with healthcare, technology, research and teaching create leverage for research and development and innovations.

Activities and goals

  • Visualization, modulation and simulation
  • Develop and implement - compatible image systems
  • Create functions - where images become available - visualize the invisible
  • Initiate - competence development
  • Develop - image-based products
  • Lead and patriciate in regional and international cooperation
  • Interdisciplinary and cross-border methods and solutions
  • Distance Learning
  • Information, marketing and knowledge transfer
  • Conferences, symposia, courses
  • Build creative networks - national and international networks 

University's collaborative task

  • Collect the information about initiated KTH / KI's research for future information.
  • Develop information material for news media
  • Give public and decision makers a clear and objective picture of current research
  • Create conditions and contact areas at all school levels to interest and stimulate specialized training in the natural sciences.