Dmitry Grishenkov
Associate professor
About me
I am Associate Professor working at Dept. of Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology.
My Research Group is working with Contrast Enhanced Medical Imaging and Therapy.
In particular, experimental and theoretical work concerns characterization of structural and physical properties of multimodal contrast agents, investigation of the nature and mechanism of sonoporation and cavitation, understanding of the dynamics of multiphase medium in biomedical applications. Moreover, resent work has been dedicated to high frequency ultrasound imaging and photoacoustic imaging in vivo using small and medium laboratory animals, developing new and improving existing methods for visualization and quantification of multimodal contrast agents.
In collaboration with Karolinska Institute development of novel contrast agent of combined functionality for tissue specific diagnostics and also localized drug delivery is carried out.
In collaboration with KTH, Department of Applied Physics the first of its kind study on behaiviour of microbubble contrast agent in microfluidic system is performed. This opens up new horizons of the microbubbles application as a novel unique device for lab-on chip experiments.
I am Program Director of the two-year M.Sc. Programme in Innovative Technology for Healthy Living, TIHLM, KTH.
My reseach lab is located at KTH Campus Flemingsberg (Division of Biomedical Imaging).
Positions associated with the current research:
Associate Professor, Docent in Medical Imaging and Technology (KTH STH)
Vice director (Vice centrumföreståndare) (KTH Jonassons centrum for medical imaging)
Artificial Intelligence within Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems (CM2002), examiner, course responsible | Course web
KTH-SJTU Summer School in Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research (FCA3003), course responsible | Course web
Medical Engineering, Advanced Course (HL2029), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Medical Technologies in Digital Healthcare Transformation (CM2012), examiner | Course web
Project Carrier Course for Medical Engineers, part 2 (CM2016), teacher | Course web
Statistics for Medical Engineering (CM2018), teacher | Course web
Ultrasound (CM2019), examiner, course responsible | Course web