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System analysis-based learning activities

Sustainable development is characterised by various types of relationships such as dependencies, synergies and conflicts. System analysis-based learning activities help the student to practise handling this kind of complexity.

In some courses, the method is the focus itself, while others include it as part of, for example, project work. Sustainable development is characterised by various types of relationships such as dependencies, synergies and conflicts. All in all, these relationships give rise to complexity. In order to benefit from synergies, or to avoid that solutions to some sustainability problems give rise to negative consequences for other aspects of sustainability, it is important to learn how to deal with this complexity. In addition to specific methods and tools like life cycle analysis, system thinking can also be practised through simple mapping exercises. Stakeholder analysis is also a type of system thinking.

For more examples of system analysis-based learning activities, contact KTH Sustainability Office: