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Global objectives for sustainable development

In 2015, the world adopted 17 global objectives for economic, social and environmentally sustainable development, as well as to work for their achievement by 2030.

Chart of the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable development
Image from Sida

The global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by world leaders towards the end of September 2015, and will be valid until 2030. There are 17 of them, with a total of 169 interim objectives. The work on developing the new objectives is based on the most comprehensive global consultations the UN has ever conducted. During 2016, indicators was developed to measure and follow up the objectives.

The objectives are universal - they apply to both high-income and low-income countries. According to UN estimates, the cost of financing the development goals amounts to the breathtaking sum of approximately $4 500 billion a year, which is thirty times more than the total annual aid in the world. This means that in order to achieve the goals by 2030, everyone must take responsibility - states, institutions, private companies, the international community and civil society organisations.

Global objectives for sustainable development

Global objectives for sustainable development

  1. Eradicate poverty in all its forms, everywhere.
  2. Eradicate hunger, achieve food safety and improved diet and promote sustainable agriculture.
  3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for everyone of all ages.
  4. Ensure inclusive and fair education of good quality and promote lifelong learning for everyone.
  5. Achieve gender equality and strengthen the position of all women and girls.
  6. Ensure access to and the sustainable management of water and sanitation for everyone.
  7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for everyone.
  8. Promote continuous, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for everyone.
  9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and promote innovation.
  10. Reduce inequalities within and between countries.
  11. Make cities and settlements inclusive, safe, flexible and sustainable.
  12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
  13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its effects.
  14. Preserve and make sustainable use of seas, lakes and marine resources for sustainable development.
  15. Sustainable forestry, stop desertification, slow down and reverse soil degradation as well as halt the loss of biodiversity.
  16. Promote peaceful and inclusive communities for sustainable development, provide access to justice for everyone and build effective, responsible and inclusive institutions at all levels.
  17. Strengthen implementation tools and revitalise the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.

 Read more about the global goals for sustainable development on, for example:  or