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Thordis Arrhenius

Professor in Architecture

The environmental impact of new construction is still far greater than that of using what is already built. Re-use and preservation are gaining a new relevance for architecture that goes beyond architectural history and sentiment, towards a sustainable future where building new means the rebuilding of the past. 

Thordis Arrhenius is an architect and architectural researcher with a strong engagement in contemporary architectural and urban practice. Her teaching and research are characterized by a dedication to contemporary critical issues in heritage and urbanism where the historical perspective informs actions and strategies. An urgent question today is how the extensive heritage from the Scandinavian welfare states are viewed and valued. Thordis Arrhenius initiated the interdisciplinary research project and research network, Restoring the Welfare State; Heritage and the Recent Past. The project studies the architecture of the welfare state in Scandinavia, and has been developed in collaboration between KTH, Oslo University, the Academy of Fine Arts' School of Architecture, KADK Copenhagen, and the University of Copenhagen. The research will be published in the forthcoming publication Nordic Models of Architecture and Welfare (Lars Müller Publishers, 2023).

Belongs to: About KTH
Last changed: Apr 19, 2022
Thordis Arrhenius
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Sonja Monica Berlijn
Anna Björklund
Elias Jarlebring
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Oscar Quevedo Teruel
Johan Rockberg
Daniel Söderberg
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Rakel Wreland Lindström