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KTH will host the 3rd FACETS-ITN student conference on "Neuro-Inspired
Data Processing for Imaging and Medical Applications" on June 10 - 11.

Time: Mon 2013-06-10 - Tue 2013-06-11


Bernhard Kaplan

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FACETS-ITN is an EU funded 'Marie-Curie Initial Training Network'

(doctoral research program) and involves 15 groups at universities,

research centers and industrial partner institutions across 6 European

countries (

The first day of the conference will feature short talks by young

researchers working in Europe's leading labs for neurobiology, modelling

of neural systems and neuromorphic hardware.

Topics covered by student talks include:

    * Neurobiology of Cells and Networks

    * Computational Modelling of Neural Systems

    * Neuromorphic Hardware

    * Neuro-Electronic Interfaces

    * Computational Principles in Neural Architectures

    * Mechanisms of Learning and Plasticity

Student talks will be framed by short introductory talks by Anders

Lansner (KTH), Kirsty Grant (CNRS-UNIC), Karlheinz Meier (University of

Heidelberg), Alain Destexhe (CNRS-UNIC) and Wulfram Gerstner (EPFL).

The second day will cover invited talks by Edwin Johnson (Director

Stockholm Brain Institute), Robin Johnson (Director of Research,

Advanced Brain Monitoring Inc.) and Marte Thuen (Chief Scientific

Officer, NordicNeuroLab AS), and will focus on the interplay between

industry and academia in the context of data processing for imaging and

medical applications.

Target audiences are doctoral students, post-docs and professors

interested in the covered topics, as well as Master students interested

in doing an international, multidisciplinary PhD.

For registration and more information please visit .

Registration is required to organize the catering during the coffee breaks.

You are very welcome to this interdisciplinary, exciting conference!

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Last changed: May 24, 2013