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KTH Energy Dialogue 2022 – Cooperation & Internationalization


Images from Energy Dialogue 2021. Photo: Fredrik Persson

KTH Energy Dialogue is an annual event arranged by the KTH Energy Platform. It is a celebration of energy research and an inclusive meeting point for dialogues on scientifically based solutions aiming at the global sustainable development goals (SDGs) and the national Agenda 2030 goals. The program highlights the width of research fields at KTH with a selection of topics vital for the transformation toward sustainability. Specifically for this year a keynote will be given on the world’s largest fusion experiment. Invited guest speakers will discuss the importance of international collaboration, cooperation between business, politics and academia and use business models for sustainable growth.

Time: Thu 2022-11-17 11.30 - 16.00

Location: Onsite KTH Campus Nymble, Drottning Kristinas väg 15, Stockholm

Language: English

Participating: Several

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The event will be live at KTH Campus, Nymble, on Thursday 17 November, 13.00-16.00 (networking lunch and poster session from 11.30).

Register here for Energy Dialogue 2022

Program overview 13.00–16.00


Willy Silberstein, Lina Bertling Tjernberg, and Christophe Duwig. Photo Fredrik Persson
  • Opening with tone from Stockholm University of the Arts
  • Welcome Lina Bertling Tjernberg, Director, KTH Energy Platform and Christophe Duwig, Vice Director, KTH Energy Platform and introduction to the moderator: Willy Silberstein.

Panel A: Sustainable Growth with Cooperation from Business, Politics and Academia

Robert Andrén, Anna Kinberg Batra, Tobias Krantz, Victoria Van Camp, Lina Bertling Tjernberg. Photo: Adam af Ekernstam, Julia Lundmark, Ernst Henry Photography, Sofia Sabel and Ateljé Uggla
  • Robert Andrén, General Director, Swedish Energy Agency
  • Anna Kinberg Batra, Chairman, Board of the Swedish Solar Energy Association
  • Tobias Krantz, Chairman, European High Level Group on Systems Innovations
  • Victoria Van Camp, IVA Gold medallist 2022 and Board Member of SR Energy
  • Lina Bertling Tjernberg, Director, KTH Energy Platform

Panel B: Technologies for Future Energy and Keynote ITER putting the sun in a box

Richard Pitts, Lorenzo Frassinetti, Alberto Garcia Fernandez, Göran Lindbergh, Pär Olsson. Photo: Private and KTH
  • Keynote Richard Pitts, Leader of the Experiments and Plasma Operation Section of ITER
    Richard Pitts Abstract & Bio (pdf 471 kB)
  • Lorenzo Frassinetti, Associate Professor in Fusion Plasma Physics, KTH
  • Alberto Garcia Fernandez, Postdoc at Applied Physical Chemistry
  • Göran Lindbergh, Professor and leader of Agenda 2030 centre PUSH
  • Pär Olsson, Professor and leader of Agenda 2030 centre SUNRISE

Approx. 14.30-14.50 Coffee break, meet a new colleague, and poster session

Panel C: Energy Efficiency and Transition to Fossil Free Future

Desirée Comstedt, Maria Xylia, Francesco Fuso Nerini, Viktoria Martin, Christophe Duwig. Photo: Vattenfall, SEI, and KTH
  • Desirée Comstedt, Vice President, Fleet Development,Vattenfall
  • Maria Xylia, Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute
  • Francesco Fuso Nerini, Director, KTH Climate Action Centre
  • Viktoria Martin, Professor in Energy Technology, KTH
  • Christophe Duwig, Professor in Heat Transfer and Reacting Flows, KTH

Panel D: High Voltage Power Grid Developments and Sustainable Solutions

Magnus Callavik, Xiongfei Wang, Mikael Unge, Qianwen Xu, Lina Bertling Tjernberg. Photo: Hitachi Energy, KTH, Ateljé Uggla
  • Magnus Callavik, Hitachi Energy Global Engineering Manager HVDC
  • Xiongfei Wang, Professor in Power Electronics, KTH
  • Mikael Unge, Adjunct Professor KTH and with NKT High Voltage Cables
  • Qianwen Xu, Assistant Professor and Head of Intelligent Sustainable Grid Lab, KTH
  • Lina Bertling Tjernberg, Professor in Power Grid Technology, KTH

Closure and Best Poster Award

The jury: Cissi Askwall, VA (Public & Science), Mona Hambraeus, Swedish Radio, and Francesco Fuso-Nerini, KTH Climate Action Centre.

  Solar energy, fusion and international co-operation in focus at this year's KTH Energy Dialogue

KTH Energy Dialogue 2022 program (pdf 196 kB)
KTH Energy Dialogue 2022 flyer (pdf 303 kB)

Poster competition

Call for posters for KTH Energy Dialogue 2022

Impact is a key concept for research – it is the way to make a difference! Please share your reseach with all KTH energy researchers and give participants of the KTH Energy Dialogue 2022 a taste of the best energy research at KTH. Submit your energy poster no later than 7 November 2022 and compete for a full day of communication training! 

Book stand

Call for books: KTH Energy Platform book stand

For the annual KTH Energy Dialogue in November, KTH Energy Platform is planning a book exhibition table. Thus to display various books where KTH researchers are book authors/editors on relevant topics to solve society's energy challenges. Submit your books no later than 31 October 2022.