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Probabilistic time estimation in tunnel projects

Time: Fri 2021-11-26 13.00

Location: B2, Brinellvägen 23, KTH Campus, Kontaktperson Fjärrdeltagande / Remote participation, Stockholm

Language: English

Subject area: Civil and Architectural Engineering, Soil and Rock Mechanics

Doctoral student: Mohammad Mohammadi , Jord- och bergmekanik

Opponent: Adjunct Professor Lars-Olof Dahlström, Luleå tekniska universitet

Supervisor: Docent Johan Spross, Jord- och bergmekanik; Docent Fredrik Johansson, Jord- och bergmekanik; Professor Larsson Stefan, Jord- och bergmekanik; Professor Anna Kadefors, Ledning och organisering i byggande och förvaltning

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Transport infrastructure projects, including tunneling, suffer from timedelays and cost overrun. A literature review shows that the effect ofuncertainty has been neglected in explaining time and cost overrunmeaning that technical explanations matter. Probabilistic estimations oftime and cost can be employed for dealing with uncertainty in transportinfrastructure projects.In this licentiate thesis, KTH’s probabilistic time and cost estimationmodel for tunneling projects (Isaksson and Stille, 2005, Rock Mech. RockEng., 38, 373-398) was improved. The improvements include breakingdown the production activities into their sub-activities, which form thebasis for assessing times (or costs) for tunnel construction. In addition, theexceptional time and the length of model’s geotechnical zones aredescribed as stochastic variables instead of deterministic values used in theoriginal model. Given its hierarchical structure, the model can be used fortime and cost estimation of all types of tunnels and all constructionmethods in various geological condition.The improved version of the model uses three types of input parametersthat are probabilities of occurrences of different geological condition andidentified undesirable events, production effort of sub-activities (i.e. timespent for performing the sub-activity per unit length of tunnel) andadditive delay time that is imposed as a result of occurrence of undesirableevents. The important issues in modeling the uncertainty in the productionefforts of sub-activities are also explained.