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KTH's Award for Industrial Collaboration

The KTH Award for Industrial Collaboration rewards collaborative efforts in the field of Industrial Systems Engineering including methods and techniques to profitably develop, manufacture, operate and maintain industrial facilities and systems.

Mottagare 2022 Margareta Norell Bergendahl håller tal efter att ha mottagit medaljen.
Recipient 2022 - Margareta Norell Bergendahl (photo: Studio slakthuset)

About the award

In 2007, a prize for industrial collaboration was instituted by KTH. According to the statutes, the prize shall be awarded to a person in industry, business, or academia who has made or contributed to genuine collaboration between industry and academia, particularly KTH, which has led to significant and successful engineering science efforts in the field of complex industrial systems/facilities, preferably with an emphasis on IT systems and/or Systems Engineering. The holistic perspective should be rewarded, as well as the degree of collaboration.

How to nominate

The KTH Award for Industrial Collaboration consists of a medal and as well as a financial contribution to initiate a collaborative research or educational project at KTH under the guidance of the award recipient.

Link to the nomination

Recipents of the award can be found here