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Fatigue and Fracture of High-Strength Steels

Improving Reliability in Strength Assessment

Time: Fri 2024-02-09 14.00

Location: F3 (Flodis), Lindstedtsvägen 26 & 28, Stockholm

Language: English

Subject area: Vehicle and Maritime Engineering

Doctoral student: Gustav Hultgren , Lättkonstruktioner, marina system, flyg- och rymdteknik, rörelsemekanik

Opponent: Prof. Gary Marquis, Aalto University

Supervisor: Prof. Zuheir Barsoum, Farkostteknik och Solidmekanik; Asst. Prof. Rami Mansour, Hållfasthetslära, Aarhus Universitet; Ph.D Torbjörn Narström, Teknisk mekanik, SSAB Special Steels AB

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QC 240117


Structural steel plays a fundamental role in the heavy industry, serving as a key material for numerous load-bearing products and equipment. Its widespread use is attributed to its robustness, resistance to wear, ease of use in construction, and cost-effectiveness. As industries increasingly focus on sustainable development, there is a growing emphasis on efficient material use and the enhancement of component performance. The optimisation of structures, achieved through integrating high-performance materials and appropriate design methodologies, is crucial in advancing product development. Such design strategies should focus on maximising structural capacity while maintaining economic viability. Although the production costs for these optimised structures may be higher, this is often compensated by their reduced operational costs and lower environmental impact. 

The implementation of high-strength structural steels for lightweight and high-performance structures necessitates a design that can withstand high stress. These materials offer increased static strength and exhibit enhanced fatigue resistance thanks to their advantageous microstructure. However, the full potential of these materials in structural applications is significantly influenced by design decisions and manufacturing techniques. Common production methods, such as welding and cutting, often impede the improvement of fatigue strength in high-performance materials, as numerous standards and guidelines indicate. Therefore, to fully leverage the benefits of high-strength materials, it is crucial to enhance and comprehend the effects of weld quality, cut edge quality, defect tolerance and potential post-weld treatments, ensuring these factors align with the materials' enhanced strength characteristics.

The present work investigates aspects that could enhance the reliability of load-bearing structures, thereby facilitating the use of high-stress designs and the integration of high-strength steels. It identifies the quality of welds and cut edges as a key limiting factor. The research thoroughly examines its impact and proposes new recommendations. The defect tolerances are also further studied to understand how defects impact these high-strength materials. The findings offer vital insights for developing improved quality recommendations for welds and cut edges, which are fundamental in effectively utilising high-strength steel.