Technical University of Madrid, UPM, is centrally located in Madrid. It was founded in 1971 as a result of a merger of different Technical Schools of Engineering and Architecture, originating mainly in the 18th century. Over 35,000 students attend classes during the year. UPM is ranked as the best technical university in Spain.
Language of instruction: Spanish and English Academic calendar: September-February, February-June Credit system: ECTS Youtube:UPM
Exchange opportunities
Number of spots: Each KTH school has its own agreement with various number of spots Grade requirements: B1 in Spanish
Programme specific information
If your programme or your school is not listed below, contact the international coordinator at your school.
1 year spot or 2 semester spots. ETSAM recommends (but doesn´t demand) that the nominated students have B2 level knowledge in Spanish. A language certificate is not required. ETSAM offers courses in Spanish for exchange students.
Master’s Programme, Civil and Architectural Engineering
This university offers courses that are relevant for your programme.
Master’s Programme, Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure
This university offers relevant courses for your programme, but you should also be prepared to take elective courses.
Master’s Programme, Real Estate and Construction Management
This university does not offer courses that are relevant for you programme.
Master’s Programme, Sustainable Technology
No student from you programme has been on exchange at this university before. Please investigate the courses offered carefully.
Master’s Programme, Sustainable Urban Planning and Design
If you choose this university you will primarily take elective courses.
Master’s Programme, Transport and Geoinformation Technology
This university offer relevant courses within transport, but you should also be prepared to take elective courses.
School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health (CBH)
Agreement: CBH do not offer any places at UPM
EECS has student exchange agreements with the following UPM-schools:
UPM ETSIT - Escula Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación . 4 exchange spots. At ETSIT there are master programs in English: Master in Telecommunication Engineering; Master in Signal Theory and Communications. The Master in Photovoltaic Solar Energy has some courses in English.
If you apply to UPM you need to state in your application which school you want to apply to.
SCI has an agreement with UPM ETSIA (for aerospace students) and with UPM ETSIDI (for year three students in the degree programme in Vehicle Engineering).