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Exchange studies

Swap your studies at KTH for a semester or two at one of KTH's over 200 exchange universities worldwide. An opportunity to study equivalent courses in a totally different environment. From the autumn semester 2023, applications for exchange studies are made twice a year, in November and February. When you should apply depends on whether you study your entire education at KTH or only study a master's programme at KTH. Applying for and carrying out exchange studies is simple — just follow the steps below.

1. Find out when an exchange is suitable

Start by reviewing when an exchange is best suited for your programme. KTH can recommend different semesters for exchange depending on your study programme. 

When can I go on an exchange?

2. Select an exchange university

Find out more about the exchange universities you can study at. Before you apply, you need to make sure that the university offers courses in your field so that you can transfer the credits awarded, and that the teaching is in a language you can handle.

Exchange universities

3. Look over the economy

Exchange studies rarely lead to increased expenses, but you should start working out the financial situation as soon as possible with financial aid and scholarships. 

Funding for exchange studies

4. Certificate of Global Competence

Take your exchange studies to a new level by studying the course Intercultural Competence before your exchange and the course Global Competence after. A Certificate of Global Competence will be attached to your KTH degree, a quality mark and evidence that you are well-prepared for today's international professional life.

Certificate of Global Competence

5. Improve your language skills

In order to manage you studies abroad, you may need to improve your language skills. KTH has a wide range of credit-giving language courses, language partner programmes and language cafes.

Language courses, language partner programmes and language cafes

6. Complete an application

Applications for exchange studies are made twice a year, in November and February. When you should apply depends on whether you study your entire education at KTH or only study a master's programme at KTH. If you miss the deadline you can apply for a remaining spot which will be announced in September.

Application for exchange studies

7. Nomination and preparation

When the exchange places are allocated we will notify you if you are nominated for exchange studies. It is then time to make the final choice of courses and apply to the exchange university. The study plan is approved by KTH and will be a preliminary base for your credits transfer for your exchange period. You must also prepare practical issues such as visa and scholarship applications.

Information for nominated exchange students