Exchange studies
Swap your studies at KTH for a semester or two at one of KTH's over 200 exchange universities worldwide. Applications for exchange studies are open twice a year, in November and February. When you should apply depends on whether you are or have studied for your bachelor's at KTH or only study a master's programme at KTH. Applying for and completing exchange studies is easy; follow the steps below.

1. Find out when an exchange is suitable
To go on exchange, you must have completed at least two years of full-time studies at the bachelor’s level and be in phase with your studies. Which semester of your programme that suits you best for exchange studies depends on which programme you are studying. Depending on your university choice and courses, you may be able to go on several exchanges.
We have collected information about when KTH generally recommends exchange studies for your programme. Your international coordinator, who is attached to your programme, will also help you guide you through options that might suit you.
Contact your international coordinator

2. Find interesting exchange universities
Find more information about the universities where you can study. Here, under the pages for exchange studies, available exchange universities are displayed based on which KTH school your programme belongs to. On the respective university's page, you will find information about the institutions, their credit systems, academic calendars, grade requirements, and more. You might also find travel reports from former KTH students. Before you apply for exchange studies, make sure that the university offers courses in your subject area that you can take credit for in your KTH programme and that the studies are given in a language you are fluent in.
Exchange places, application round 2, February 2025

3. Review your economy
Exchange studies do not cost anything in terms of tuition fees. However, some countries may charge fees for visas and insurance. Some countries can also be more expensive to live in than Sweden. Review how your finances and your study funds will look like and whether you can apply for a scholarship.

4. Complete your application
When you should apply for exchange studies depends on whether you are studying your entire education at KTH or your master's.
• If you are or have studied for your bachelor's at KTH, apply for exchange studies in November of the academic year before you want to go on exchange studies.
• If you are only studying a master's programme at KTH, apply for exchange studies in February of the academic year before you want to go on exchange studies.
In your application, you can list up to five choices of universities that you rank. Choose exchange universities based on what you are interested in and according to how big a chance you have of being nominated.
Application for exchange studies

5. Nomination and preparation
After the application round has closed, administrative staff at KTH will go through all applications. They will allocate the exchange places to the applicants based on average grades and eligibility. After you (hopefully) have received positive information that you have been allocated an exchange place, it is time to make your final course selections and officially apply to the exchange university. You might also start preparing practical things, such as visa or scholarship applications, or finding accommodation.
When the semester at the university starts, it's time to leave!