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Sound and Vibration is one of the tracks in the Master's programme in Engineering Mechanics and we're also involved in the Doctor's programmes in Vehicle and Aeronautical Engineering and Engineering Mechanics.

Bachelor thesis in Sound, Vibrations and Signals

During the bachelor thesis project, you will be working in groups to carry out a project defined by an industrial company or researchers at KTH. First a literary search is conducted and then a minor measurement or calculation project. The results are presented at a final seminar. In order to have enough expertise to carry out the project, there is also a seminar series.

Master's programme in Engineering Mechanics

The programme introduces acoustics as an integrated element of engineering with a particular bearing on mechanics, fluid dynamics and solid mechanics. The contents of the courses cover a wide area in sound and vibration control. Included are fundamental principles on sound and vibration generation, transmission and reduction in complex structures, with coupling between vibrating structures and surrounding media, such as gases and liquids.

Doctoral programme in Vehicle and Aeronautical Engineering

The doctoral program in Vehicle and Aeronautical Engineering entails a scientific foundation in subjects ranging from land and marine vehicles to airplanes, rockets, and satellites. Research in Vehicle and Aeronautical Engineering addresses, for example, the dynamics of vehicles, aero- and hydromechanical properties, construction, materials, and acoustic characteristics, as well as complex technical systems such as advanced control and monitoring systems.

Doctoral programme in Engineering Mechanics

Mechanics is one of the four classical physics areas (optics, electromagnetism and thermodynamics are the rest) and, of course, are an essential part of all education in science and engineering. It includes all parts of an industrial design process based on advanced mechanical analysis of product behavior and functionality.