Övriga och internationella forskningsmiljöer
KTH har tillgång till andra former av infrastrukturer, testbäddar och miljöer, till exempel laboratorier och särskild teknikutrustning för att utföra tester eller demonstrationer och verifiera koncept. Flera av dem kan användas av externa forskare och företag.
Bioimaging Lab
Fusionsreaktorn, EXTRAP T2R
Greenhouse Labs
Rymdtekniklaboratorium (RTL)
Språkbanken tal
Internationella forskningsmiljöer
KTH medverkar i ett antal internationella nätverk och infrastrukturer:
- BBMRI-ERIC - European research infrastructure for biobanking
- CERN - a unique range of particle accelerators
- CLARIN-ERIC - Infrastructure for language as social and cultural data
- EATRIS-ERIC - Infrastructures for translational medicine
- EGI - Support for data-intensive research with a wide range of advanced computing services
- EISCAT/EISCAT_3D - Radar observations and the incoherent scatter technique for studies of space
- ELIXIR - Access and analyse Life Science data
- EMBL - European Molecular Biology Laboratory
- ESRF - World's brightest synchrotron with tools to study materials and living matter
- Euro-Bioimaging ERIC - Technologies, training and data services in biological and biomedical imaging
- EUROfusion - Tools to research future fusion solutions
- European Spallation Source ERIC
- FAIR - Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse of digital assets
- GBIF - Global Biodiversity Information Facility
- ILL - Facility in neutron science and technology
- ISIS - Neutron and Muon Source
- LUMI - Pan-European pre-exascale supercomputers
- NEIC - High-quality e-infrastructure solutions
- Petra III - Storage-ring-based X-ray radiation source
- PRACE - Advanced computing in Europe