About us
The Division of Media Technology and Interaction Design (MID) is an interdisciplinary research group consisting of media technology and human computer interaction.

The group has its roots in computer- and behavioral science as well as media technology, and has today faculty that represents e.g. anthropology and psychology, computer science and media technology, interaction design, film- and literature science, sound and music computing, and media and communication science.
We are about 60 people in the group today and around 50% of us are PhD-students. We conduct education, research and the third mission within our topics. Our area can briefly be described as innovative design, adjustment and improvements of existing systems and processes to facilitate computer and media use and media production. We work with techniques and methods to support human communication over distances in time and space.
Click here for a list of our staff members .
Our research areas are:
- Digital and Physical Space Design
- Interaction Design
- Sound and Music Computing
- Sustainable Futures Lab
- Technology Enhanced Learning
- Visual Technology and Humanistic AI
Would you like to collaborate with us? Contact the Head of Department of Human-Centered Technology Cristian Bogdan .