Booking system
Please remember to password protect your bookings, so no one can accidently delete them.
Short instruction on how to book
- Press on a link too book seminar room, then login with your username (INDEK email address) and password (provided by the booking system)
- Choose time and date for start and end of booking (Datum för bokningens start/Datum för bokningens slut)
- Choose purpose for the booking (Ändamål:)
- Write your name, school, reference (KTH-ID) (Bokarens namn)
- Write your E-mail (Epost)
- Write your password for the booking, in case you want to cancel or change it (Lösenord för bokningen) then press "Boka denna resurs"
Book seminarrooms here (343, 413, 422, 522, 643, 645, 659, The pod on "plattan". Please note that some seminar rooms have different who can or may book)