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SETA - Sustainable Energy Transformations in Aviation

Abot the project SETA - Sustainable Energy Transformations in Aviation

Short project facts

Funded by: Swedish Energy Agency / Energimyndigheten
Time period: 2020-2024
Project members: KTH Royal Institute of Technology (INDEK at ITM and SEED at ABE), University of Linköping
Project website: Sustainable Energy Transformations in Aviation

Aims and objectives

The “Sustainable Energy Transformations in Aviation (SETA)” project aims to contribute to an acceleration of sustainable energy transformations in aviation, with a focus on bio-based jet fuels, electric aircrafts and potentially even hydrogen. The project will be exploring the socio-technical opportunities and barriers related to these transformations.

To achieve the project's purpose, we have 3 doctoral students at KTH and Linköping University who are researching in relation to the socio-economic and socio-technical effects of sustainable energy transformations in the Swedish aviation sector, the sustainability perspectives (using LCA techniques), policy tools, business models and customer preferences.


The Swedish government has set ambitious targets to become carbon neutral by 2045. This includes targets for having a completely fossil-free transport sector in 2045. Aviation plays a key role here. Sweden is already a global leader in sustainable energy transformations in aviation.

Swedish aviation have the target that all domestic flights shall be fossil free by 2030 and major Swedish airlines are offering their customers the possibility to purchase bio-based sustainable jet fuel, while initiatives on electric aircrafts are also happening.


Christley, E., Karakaya, E., Urban, F., 2024. Analysing transitions in-the-making: A case study of aviation in Sweden . Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. Vol. 50(2024): 100790. PDF (pdf 991 kB)

Kulanovic, A. & Nordensvärd, J., 2021. Exploring the political discursive lock-ins on sustainable aviation in Sweden . Energies, 14(21), p.7401. PDF (pdf 291 kB)

Lai, Y.Y. & Karakaya, E., 2024. Rethinking the sustainability of transitions: An illustrative case of burden-shifting and sociotechnical dynamics of aviation fuel in Sweden. Energy Research & Social Science, 113, p.103574. PDF (pdf 2.5 MB)

Lai, Y.Y., Christley, E., Kulanovic, A., Teng, C.C., Björklund, A., Nordensvärd, J., Karakaya, E., Urban, F., 2022. Analysing the opportunities and challenges for mitigating the climate impact of aviation: A narrative review.  Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 156(3): 111972. PDF (pdf 1.6 MB)

Lai, Y.Y., Karakaya, E. & Björklund, A., 2022. Employing a socio-technical system approach in prospective life cycle assessment: A case of large-scale Swedish sustainable aviation fuels.  Frontiers in Sustainability, 3. PDF (pdf 2.9 MB)

Urban, F., Nurdiawati, A., Harahap, F., Morozovska, K., 2024. Decarbonizing maritime shipping and aviation: Disruption, regime resistance and breaking through carbon lock-in and path dependency in hard-to-abate transport sectors.  Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Vol. 52 (2024) 100854. PDF (pdf 1.8 MB)

Project contact persons:

Frauke Urban
Frauke Urban Project leader from INDEK/KTH

Other involved persons from INDEK/KTH

Emrah Karakaya
Emrah Karakaya associate professor
Emily Christley
Emily Christley doctoral student

Involved persons from ABE/KTH

Yat Yin Lai
Yat Yin Lai doctoral student

Involved persons from University of Linköping

Johan Nordensvärd

Aneta Kulanovic

Page responsible:Sébastien Gustin
Belongs to: Industrial Economics and Management
Last changed: Jan 17, 2025
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