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About us

The division belongs to the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and is located at KTH's main campus on Valhallavägen in Stockholm.

The Division of Information Science and Engineering was founded in 2017. Historically, our roots are in the former KTH Departments for Communication Theory, Signal Processing, Sound and Image Processing and Tele Transmission Theory.

The division conducts research, education and industry/society interplay within digital communication and networking, signal processing and data sensing, ultimedia processing, and the utilization of stored and real-time data for information extraction and predictions.

Our focus is on principles and underlying theories founding the basis for future information and communication technologies and data analysis tools. Our work also has direct impact on applications in wireless systems, cyber-physical systems, multimedia, smart green and integrated transport and cities, electric power systems, biology and health.

We are responsible for numerous courses at the BSc level, MSc level and PhD level. While we are a main contributor to the Electrical Engineering programme and the Master's Programme in Information and Network Engineering, our courses are followed also by students from several other programs at KTH.