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Below are the divisions's 50 latest publications according to the KTH library database DiVA.

Link to the full list for RPL in KTH's publication portal can be found at the bottom of this list. Researchers also maintain individual publication lists, see People in the menu on the main page.

Publikationer av författare från RPL

T. Gao et al., "PRIME : Scaffolding Manipulation Tasks With Behavior Primitives for Data-Efficient Imitation Learning," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 9, no. 10, pp. 8322-8329, 2024.
Y. Xie et al., "Bathymetric Surveying With Imaging Sonar Using Neural Volume Rendering," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 9, no. 9, pp. 8146-8153, 2024.
E. Scukins, A. N. Costa and P. Ögren, "A Data-driven Method for Estimating Formation Flexibility in Beyond-Visual-Range Air Combat," in 2024 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), 2024, pp. 241-247.
W. Yin et al., "Scalable Motion Style Transfer with Constrained Diffusion Generation," in THIRTY-EIGHTH AAAI CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, VOL 38 NO 9, 2024, pp. 10234-10242.
H. Erel et al., "RoSI : A Model for Predicting Robot Social Influence," ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, vol. 13, no. 2, 2024.
Z. Weng et al., "Interactive Perception for Deformable Object Manipulation," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 9, no. 9, pp. 7763-7770, 2024.
M. Sondoqah et al., "Shaping and Being Shaped by Drones : Programming in Perception–Action Loops," in Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference, DIS 2024, 2024, pp. 2926-2945.
A. Khoche et al., "Addressing Data Annotation Challenges in Multiple Sensors: A Solution for Scania Collected Datasets," in 2024 European Control Conference, ECC 2024, 2024, pp. 1032-1038.
B. Cook and P. Hammer, "Autonomous Intelligent Reinforcement Inferred Symbolism," in Artificial General Intelligence - 17th International Conference, AGI 2024, Proceedings, 2024, pp. 53-62.
A. H. Akhavan Rahnama, J. Butepage and H. Boström, "Local List-Wise Explanations of LambdaMART," in Explainable Artificial Intelligence - Second World Conference, xAI 2024, Proceedings, 2024, pp. 369-392.
Y. Yang et al., "Human-Centric Autonomous Systems With LLMs for User Command Reasoning," in 2024 Ieee Winter Conference On Applications Of Computer Vision Workshops, Wacvw 2024, 2024, pp. 988-994.
Y. Yang et al., "Hard Cases Detection in Motion Prediction by Vision-Language Foundation Models," in 35th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IV 2024, 2024, pp. 2405-2412.
A. Khoche et al., "Towards Long-Range 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Vehicles," in 35th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IV 2024, 2024, pp. 2206-2212.
Y. Dong, X. Cheng and F. T. Pokorny, "Characterizing Manipulation Robustness Through Energy Margin and Caging Analysis," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 9, no. 9, pp. 7525-7532, 2024.
P. Patrick et al., "COIN-LIO: Complementary Intensity-Augmented LiDAR Inertial Odometry," in 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2024.
Y. Ma et al., "Understanding Dementia Speech : Towards an Adaptive Voice Assistant for Enhanced Communication," in EICS 2024 Companion - Companion of the 2024 ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems, 2024, pp. 15-21.
S. Gillet, "Computational Approaches to Interaction-Shaping Robotics," Doctoral thesis Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EECS-AVL, 2024:60, 2024.
E. Yadollahi et al., "ExTra CTI : Explainable and Transparent Child-Technology Interaction," in Proceedings of ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference: Inclusive Happiness, IDC 2024, 2024, pp. 1016-1019.
E. Scukins et al., "Deep Learning Based Situation Awareness for Multiple Missiles Evasion," in 2024 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, ICUAS 2024, 2024, pp. 1446-1452.
Y. Zhang et al., "Will You Participate? Exploring the Potential of Robotics Competitions on Human-Centric Topics," in Human-Computer Interaction - Thematic Area, HCI 2024, Held as Part of the 26th HCI International Conference, HCII 2024, Proceedings, 2024, pp. 240-255.
J. Zhang et al., "A fully-automatic side-scan sonar simultaneous localization and mapping framework," IET radar, sonar & navigation, vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 674-683, 2024.
S. Gillet et al., "Shielding for socially appropriate robot listening behaviors," in 2024 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2024.
L. Ericson and P. Jensfelt, "Beyond the Frontier : Predicting Unseen Walls From Occupancy Grids by Learning From Floor Plans," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 6832-6839, 2024.
C. Costen et al., "Multi-Robot Allocation of Assistance from a Shared Uncertain Operator," in AAMAS 2024 - Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2024, pp. 400-408.
J. Read et al., "Children and Emerging Technologies: Ethical and Practical Research and Design," in CHI 2024 - Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Sytems, 2024.
C. Li et al., "The Poses for Equine Research Dataset (PFERD)," Scientific Data, vol. 11, no. 1, 2024.
E. Englesson, "On Label Noise in Image Classification : An Aleatoric Uncertainty Perspective," Doctoral thesis Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EECS-AVL, 2024:45, 2024.
E. Englesson and H. Azizpour, "Robust Classification via Regression for Learning with Noisy Labels," in Proceedings ICLR 2024 - The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations, 2024.
Y. Xie, "Bathymetric Surveying Through Neural Inverse Sonar Modeling," Doctoral thesis Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EECS-AVL, 2024:38, 2024.
M. Kartasev and P. Ögren, "Improving the Performance of Learned Controllers in Behavior Trees Using Value Function Estimates at Switching Boundaries," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 4647-4654, 2024.
M. Krale et al., "Robust Active Measuring under Model Uncertainty," in 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2024, Vancouver, Canada, Feb 20 2024 - Feb 27 2024, 2024, pp. 21276-21284.
S. Gillet et al., "Interaction-Shaping Robotics : Robots That Influence Interactions between Other Agents," ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, vol. 13, no. 1, 2024.
S. Holk, D. Marta and I. Leite, "PREDILECT: Preferences Delineated with Zero-Shot Language-based Reasoning in Reinforcement Learning," in HRI 2024 - Proceedings of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 2024, pp. 259-268.
E. Yadollahi et al., "Explainability for Human-Robot Collaboration," in HRI 2024 Companion - Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 2024, pp. 1364-1366.
N. Rahimzadagan et al., "Drone Fail Me Now: How Drone Failures Afect Trust and Risk-Taking Decisions," in HRI 2024 Companion - Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 2024, pp. 862-866.
M. K. Wozniak, "Enhancing Robot Perception with Real-World HRI," in HRI 2024 Companion - Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 2024, pp. 160-162.
M. K. Wozniak et al., "Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality for Human-Robot Interaction (VAM-HRI)," in HRI 2024 Companion - Companion of the 2024 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 2024, pp. 1361-1363.
G. L. Marchetti, "On Symmetries and Metrics in Geometric Inference," Doctoral thesis : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EECS-AVL, 2024:26, 2024.
S. Zojaji et al., "Join Me Here if You Will : Investigating Embodiment and Politeness Behaviors When Joining Small Groups of Humans, Robots, and Virtual Characters," in CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’24), Oʻahu, Hawaii, USA, 11-16 May 2024, 2024.
W. Yin, "Developing Data-Driven Models for Understanding Human Motion," Doctoral thesis Stockholm : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EECS-AVL, 2024:9, 2024.
W. Yin et al., "Scalable Motion Style Transfer with Constrained Diffusion Generation," in Proceedings of the 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2024.
R. Yadav et al., "Unsupervised flood detection on SAR time series using variational autoencoder," International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, vol. 126, 2024.
R. Gieselmann, "Synergies between Policy Learning and Sampling-based Planning," Doctoral thesis Stockholm, Sweden : KTH Royal Institute of Technology, TRITA-EECS-AVL, 2024:6, 2024.
K. Kaya et al., "Programmable Matter with Free and High-Resolution Transfiguration and Locomotion," Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 34, no. 14, 2024.
Y. Deng et al., "An experimental study on the effect of chemical additives in coolant on steam explosion," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 218, 2024.
Full list in the KTH publications portal