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CPS-Ed 2014! Cyber-Physical Systems Education Workshop at UC Berkeley

Sharing experiences on CPS education and curricula, to shape the CPS education of tomorrow.

Time: Tue 2014-11-04 09.00

Location: University of California, Berkeley Campus (Room 380, Soda Hall)


Martin Törngren Workshop Co-ordinator, KTH Mechatronics Division

Vicki Derbyshire KTH Mechatronics Division secretary Profile

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The increasing capabilities of computing systems - including their connectivity - paves the way for novel applications and systems that do not respect traditional academic disciplines. What used to be easy to define, e.g. embedded systems as dedicated and small computer control and measurement systems, now encompasses a spectrum from low (bare bone), over multicore, to high end middleware, web and cloud connected systems. Future computer and software intensive systems will increasingly contain environment models, be situation aware, perform decision making, gradually contributing to increasing levels of autonomy. This technology evolution, captured by terms like CPS, IoT and the Swarm, makes education challenging, to say the least.

What competences should a future CPS engineer be equipped with?

The workshop gathers leading educational developers and industrial representatives to discuss challenges and ways forward.  The workshop also builds upon momentum and debate on this topic, including the 10th WESE workshop on embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems education at ESWEEK2014 ( ) and the First Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Education (CPS-Ed 2013) at CPSWeek2013 ( )

Program & Presentations

09.00 - 9.10  Introduction and Welcome (pdf 351 kB)  Martin Törngren, KTH

Industrial needs and Academic state of the art in CPS education and beyond

12.00 – 13.00  Lunch

13.00-13.50  Industrial needs and Academic state of the art in CPS education and beyond (continued)

13.50-14.10  coffee break

14.10 - 15.00  CPS education at KTH and in Europe - now and future

15.00-15.50  Discussion & Wrap up.

16.00  The workshop is directly followed by a Dreams seminar talk "Roadmapping efforts for research, education and innovation in Cyber-Physical Systems" ( )

To register for the workshop, please email by Monday 27 October stating your name, affiliation and any dietary requirements (vegetarian, nut allergies etc).  If you have any questions regarding the programme, Martin Törngren, the organiser at KTH, is listed below, and Stavros Tripakis ( ) is coordinating at UCB.

For directions to the venue (Room 380, Soda Hall, UC Berkeley Campus), please see the UCB Campus Map: