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Two disputations and two seminars

Published Oct 02, 2013

On the 22 November this year, two of the Ph.D. Students of System and Component Design will present their Ph.D.´s. The two are Yi Zhu and Saeed Abbasi, who both have researched in the field of Tribology.

Yi Zhu's thesis is about the track slip that periodically cause big problems with delayed trains and damaged wheels and rails. In the small contact area where steel wheel meets steel rails, the size about a Swedish 10 crown coin, transfer the forces that slow trains. The dissertation makes important contributions to when and why it is a problem for trains to slow down during certain weather conditions, and how the biological material leaves affect braking performance. The presentation of this thesis, entitled "Adhesion in the wheel-rail contact," will take place on 22 November, 9:00 in room F3, Lindstedtsvägen 26.

Saeed Abbasi has worked with airborne particles from rail vehicles which constitute a problem in the train tunnels and underground stations. The results indicate where and how airborne particles are formed. He also presents results showing how the different components of the train, and with different driving strategies, can alter the amount of particles formed. The thesis, entitled "Towards the elimination of airborne particles from rail traffic," will be presented 22 November, 14:00 in room F3, Lindstedtsvägen 26.

The day before the disputations, 21 November, Yi Zhu's opponent Dr. Zili Li, will hold a seminar on contact mechanical modeling of rail connector for railway wheels. Saeed Abbasi's opponent, Professor Yannick Desplanques, holds a seminar on braking friction materials the same day. Both seminars will be held at KTH Campus, Brinellvägen 85, level 3, Innovation Studio Gladan between 14:00 to 15:00 (Yannick Desplanques) and 15:00 to 16:00 (Zili Li).

Saeed Abbasi and Yi Zhu.