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Amparo Jimenez Quero

Profile picture of Amparo Jimenez Quero

About me

Passionate by science, I am a goal-oriented and multidisciplinary researcher in biotechnology process for the valorization of biomass into chemicals, materials and food additives. I developed my scientific knowledge from collaborations between research institutes in Spain, France, and Sweden, with special focus on:
- Green chemistry approach for the design of bioprocess
- Biocatalysis (identification, production and utilization of specific enzymes or microorganisms)
- Analytical chemistry, for the analysis of biomass resources (plant, algae, fungi and bacterial cell wall)
- Biopolymers & composites based on polysaccharides with functionalization to improve natural properties or add new ones.

Sustainability and education are essential pillars in my career, I encourage the transition of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to enable a more sustainable and just society for all. So, in addition to my technical expertise, I always focus in teaching a more sustainable way to do science while supervising bachelor, master and PhD students. Furthermore, I have established valuable scientific as well as technological networks by the collaboration in different national and international projects with industrial and academic partners. 


Scientific Methodology and Research Horizons (CK2030), teacher | Course web

System Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment (BB2570), teacher | Course web