Akiko Shirabe
About me
Akiko has been a Japanese teacher for 20 years and has experience at all levels. She received a Master of Science in Education from the University of Pennsylvania, USA and a Bachelor of Arts in Intercultural Studies from Kyoritsu Women’s University, Japan.
Prior to joining the Unit of Language and Communication at KTH, she worked at NTI Gymnasiet Sundbyberg, Stockholm University, the University of Vienna (Austria), Wilmington Friends School (USA), and the Foreign Service Institute of the U.S. State Department.
She holds the Certificate of Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test (from the Japan Educational Exchanges and Services) and the Teacher Certificates in Japanese and in English (from the Swedish National Agency for Education).
Japanese A1.1 and Japanese Studies for Engineers (LS1481), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Japanese A1.2 for Engineers (LS1483), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Japanese A2 for Engineers (LS1484), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Japanese B1 for Engineers (LS1486), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Japanese for Engineers - Essential Communication for Advanced Beginners (LS1489), course responsible | Course web
Japanese for Engineers - Essential Communication for Beginners (LS1488), course responsible | Course web
Japanese for Engineers - Intermediate Communicative Competence (LS1497), course responsible | Course web
Japanese for Engineers - Professional Communication (LS1487), course responsible | Course web
Learn to learn languages (LS1000), course responsible | Course web