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Egor Babaev

Profile picture of Egor Babaev





Researcher ID

About me

Professor Department for Theoretical Physics Phone: +46 734615751

List of publications

Academic tree and advisors


Graduate studies:Department of Theoretical Physics University of Uppsala (Sweden) PhD (2001).


Sept. 2001-Aug. 2003Postdoctoral research associate at Inst. for Theoretical Physics Uppsala University

Sept. 2003-July 2006Postdoctoral research associate at Cornell University


Sept. 2006-Aug. 2008Assistant Professor at the Department for Theoretical Physics Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden  (part-time during that period. Partially  on leave at UMass Amherst)

Sept. 2007-Dec. 2013 Assistant Professor Physics Department University of Massachusetts Amherst (part-time during that period. Partially  on leave at KTH)

Sept. 2008-Aug. 2014Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Science hosted at the Royal Institute of Technology Sweden.

May 2013 – Oct. 2015Associate Professor at the Department for Theoretical Physics Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden.

Nov. 2015 – present Professor at the Department for Theoretical Physics Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden.

2022   Senior Visiting Professor of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Bejing


2018: Elected fellow of the American Physical Society Citation:For pioneering contributions to the theory of multicomponent superconductors and superfluids.

2015: Göran Gustafsson Prize in Physics from the Royal Swedish Academy of SciencesCitation:“för hans originella teoretiska forskning vilken redan har visat helt nya vägar att förstå komplexa system och processer inom materialfysiken”: “For original theoretical research which has already shown new ways to understand complex systems and processes in materials physics”

2013: Outstanding Young Researcher grant Swedish Research Council ~US$2.5 millions

2011: University of Massachusetts Exceptional Merit Award

Description: “The award is given for exceptional, meritorious performance leading to achievement of  national or international renown”

2011: Outstanding Referee of the American Physical Society

2010: Tage Erlander prize in Physics of the Royal Swedish Academy of Science(Award for physicists under 40 years old, given in physics once every 5 years) Citation: “For groundbreaking theoretical work that predicts new states of matter in the form of quantum fluids with novel properties”

2010: US National Science Foundation CAREER Award Description: “The CAREER Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty.”

2008:Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation advanced research fellow from the Royal Swedish  Academy of Science.Description: “The award is given by the Royal Swedish Academy to exceptionally gifted researchers to conduct their research in Sweden.”



Condensed Matter Theory (SI2600), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Condensed Matter Theory (FSI3200), examiner, course responsible | Course web

Degree Project in Physics, Second Cycle (SH204X), examiner | Course web

Degree Project in Theoretical Physics, Second Cycle (SI201X), examiner | Course web

Statistical Mechanics (SI2510), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web

Statistical Mechanics (FSI3070), examiner, course responsible | Course web