Egor Babaev
About me
Professor Department for Theoretical Physics Phone: +46 734615751
Graduate studies:Department of Theoretical Physics University of Uppsala (Sweden) PhD (2001).
Sept. 2001-Aug. 2003Postdoctoral research associate at Inst. for Theoretical Physics Uppsala University
Sept. 2003-July 2006Postdoctoral research associate at Cornell University
Sept. 2006-Aug. 2008Assistant Professor at the Department for Theoretical Physics Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden (part-time during that period. Partially on leave at UMass Amherst)
Sept. 2007-Dec. 2013 Assistant Professor Physics Department University of Massachusetts Amherst (part-time during that period. Partially on leave at KTH)
Sept. 2008-Aug. 2014Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Science hosted at the Royal Institute of Technology Sweden.
May 2013 – Oct. 2015Associate Professor at the Department for Theoretical Physics Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden.
Nov. 2015 – present Professor at the Department for Theoretical Physics Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden.
2022 Senior Visiting Professor of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Bejing
2018: Elected fellow of the American Physical Society Citation:For pioneering contributions to the theory of multicomponent superconductors and superfluids.
2015: Göran Gustafsson Prize in Physics from the Royal Swedish Academy of SciencesCitation:“för hans originella teoretiska forskning vilken redan har visat helt nya vägar att förstå komplexa system och processer inom materialfysiken”: “For original theoretical research which has already shown new ways to understand complex systems and processes in materials physics”
2013: Outstanding Young Researcher grant Swedish Research Council ~US$2.5 millions
2011: University of Massachusetts Exceptional Merit Award
Description: “The award is given for exceptional, meritorious performance leading to achievement of national or international renown”
2011: Outstanding Referee of the American Physical Society
2010: Tage Erlander prize in Physics of the Royal Swedish Academy of Science(Award for physicists under 40 years old, given in physics once every 5 years) Citation: “For groundbreaking theoretical work that predicts new states of matter in the form of quantum fluids with novel properties”
2010: US National Science Foundation CAREER Award Description: “The CAREER Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty.”
2008:Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation advanced research fellow from the Royal Swedish Academy of Science.Description: “The award is given by the Royal Swedish Academy to exceptionally gifted researchers to conduct their research in Sweden.”
- Discovery offermion quadruping condensate following our theoretical prediction of the state and mechanism of its formation (see andhere) . See popular descriptionhere andhere
- Introduction of the notion of metallic and superconducting superfluids and the prediction of the possibility of the realization of these new states of matter in hydrogen and deuterium at ultrahigh pressures. First discussions of paired states in multicomponent superconductors (where the pairing occurs between different Cooper pairs or other bosons, as a consequence of proliferation of composite topological defects)
- Prediction of “type-1.5 superconductivity” in multicomponent superconductors(a more recentreview)
- First discussion of stable hopfions, knotted solitons in condensed matter systems (here andhere) Demonstration of Non-Meissner electrodynamics in multicomponent superconductors arising as a consequence of generation of Skyrme terms by fluctuating gauge field
- Solutions for vortices carrying an arbitrary fraction of magnetic flux quantum in multicomponent superconductors.
- Finding the violation of the Onsager-Feynman superflow quantization in superconducting superfluid
- First discussion of the pseudogap concept in high-energy physics
- Findings of new kind of stable topological solitons “chiral CP2 solitons” in three-component superconductors with broken time reversal symmetry
- Findings of a new kind of collective mode in three-band superconductors with broken time reversal symmetry . This collective mode is associated with mixed density-phase fluctuations and is different from the Leggett’s mode, Anderson mode and Carlson Goldman mode.
- Prediction of anomalous metallic state which breaks Time Reversal Symmetry due to superconducting fluctuations
- Prediction of a new vortex viscosity mechanism different from Tinkham and the Bardeen-Stephen mechanism
- Prediction of new thermoelectric effects in superconductors that break time reversal symmetry, different from Ginzburg effect
- Demonstration of vortex glass formation in a monodisperse system without disorder: clean multiband superconductor
- New type of superconducting boundary states inconventional andpair-density-wave superconductors.
- Revision of boundary conditions for Ginzburg-Landau theory that is covered in first chapters of all books on superconductivity.
- Prediction of nuclear skyrmions in ulracold atomic condensates
- New type of solitons in imabalanced fermionic systems that also connects superconductivity models and Swift-Hohenberg theory.
Condensed Matter Theory (SI2600), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Condensed Matter Theory (FSI3200), examiner, course responsible | Course web
Degree Project in Physics, Second Cycle (SH204X), examiner | Course web
Degree Project in Theoretical Physics, Second Cycle (SI201X), examiner | Course web
Statistical Mechanics (SI2510), examiner, course responsible, teacher | Course web
Statistical Mechanics (FSI3070), examiner, course responsible | Course web