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Sonja Berlijn

Profile picture of Sonja Berlijn

About me

Sonja Monica BERLIJN received her M.Sc. degree from the TUE, Eindhoven, the Netherlands in 1994, her PhD degree from TUG, Graz, Austria, in 2000 and her MBA from Melbourne University in 2012.

From 1993 - 2008 she has been working at the High Voltage Laboratory of KEMA; the Netherlands, and at STRI in Sweden.

From 2008 to 2014 she has been working at the overhead line department at Statnett and she was responsible for a number of R&D activities and for the electromechanical and insulation co-ordination design of the world's largest voltage upgrading project.

In 2014 she became both SVP for Statnett's R&D and part-time professor in Power Systems at the NMBU. 

In 2020 she became IEEE senior member and elected fellow in the Swedish Royal Acadamy for Engineering Sciences (IVA).

In January 2021 she started as professor in sustainable integrated energy systems at KTH.

Currently she is project leader for a Nordic R&D project with the name Rediset: REDISET – Resilient Digital Sustainable Energy Transition | KTH

Sonja Monica Berlijn | KTH


Individual Project in Electric Power and Energy systems I (EN2911), examiner | Course web