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Eleonora Boffa

Profile picture of Eleonora Boffa

About me

Eleonora Boffa  was born in 1991 in Turin, Italy. She studied at Politecnico in Turin and got her bachelor's and master's degree in Management Engineering, 2014 and 2017 respectively.

The collaboration with the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm started in October 2016, at first the work focused on the master thesis project.

At the end of the master thesis project, she started to work as a Research Engineer.

Currently, she is part of the research group Digital Smart Production as a PhD student. The main interest consists of business model innovation in manufacturing.

Research Interests

Business model innovation in manufacturing: The focus is on the emerging need of having a standard framework as the starting point to express the impact a change in the business models would have on the organization internally and externally. The aim is to maintain internal coherence in the model, considering also the sustainability, and establish the equilibrium again.


Curriculum Vitae

2018 - present

PhD student

Royal Institute of Technology

Stockholm, Sweden

2017 - 2018

Research Engineer

Royal Institute of Technology

Stockholm, Sweden

2016 - 2017

Master thesis candidate

Royal Institute of Technology

Stockholm, Sweden


Mar - 2017


Management Engineering

Politecnico of Turin

Turin, Italy

Oct - 2014


Management Engineering

Politecnico of Turin

Turin, Italy


2017 - 2020

Tiphys - Social network based PhD education in Industry 4.0

List of Publications


-         "A descriptive framework to characterize the manufacturing domain in the context of Business Models", Boffa E., Maffei A, CIRP Manufacturing System Conference 2019, Ljubljana – Slovenia. June 2019.

-         "How to Design for Joy / Satisfaction - Two Different Approaches on How to Tackle the Task", Atzberger A., Boffa E., Montero J., Paetzold K., Vajna S., ICED - International Conference on Engineering Design, Deft – The Nederland’s. August 2019.



Production Engineering - Planning and Control (MG2029), teacher | Course web

Scientific Methodology for Production Engineering (MG2100), assistant, teacher | Course web

Profile picture of Eleonora Boffa