Publications by Cecilia Håkansson
Peer reviewed
L. Isacs et al., "'I didn't count "willingness to pay" as part of the value' : Monetary valuation through respondents' perspectives," Environmental Values, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 163-188, 2024.
T. Kuhn et al., "Literature syntheses to inform marine ecosystem management: lessons learned from stakeholder participation," Ecosystems and People, vol. 19, no. 1, 2023.
P. J. Joyce et al., "A multi-impact analysis of changing ICT consumption patterns for Sweden and the EU : Indirect rebound effects and evidence of decoupling," Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 211, pp. 1154-1161, 2019.
L. Hasselström et al., "Costs and benefits associated with marine oil spill prevention in northern Norway," The Polar Journal, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 165-180, 2017.
S. G. Cole et al., "Arctic games : An analytical framework for identifying options for sustainable natural resource governance," The Polar Journal, vol. 6, no. 1, 2016.
L. Isacs et al., "Choosing a monetary value of greenhouse gases in assessment tools," Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016.
C. Håkansson, K. Östberg and G. Bostedt, "Estimating distributional effects of environmental policy in Swedish coastal environments : a walk along different dimensions," Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 49-78, 2016.
M. Noring et al., "Valuation of oil spill risk reductions in the Arctic : ," Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 298-317, 2016.
M. Noring, C. Håkansson and E. Dahlgren, "Valuation of ecotoxicological impacts from tributyltin based on a quantitative environmental assessment framework," Ambio, 2015.
H. Ahtiainen et al., "Baltic Sea nutrient reductions : What should we aim for?," Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 145, pp. 9-23, 2014.
M. Börjesson Rivera et al., "Including second order effects in environmental assessments of ICT," Environmental Modelling & Software, vol. 56, pp. 105-115, 2014.
K. Ostberg et al., "Benefit Transfer for Environmental Improvements in Coastal Areas : General versus Best-Fitting Models," Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics-Revue Canadienne D'Agroeconomie, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 239-258, 2013.
L. Hasselstrom and C. Håkansson, "Detailed vs. fuzzy information in non-market valuation studies : the role of familiarity," Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 123-143, 2013.
K. Östberg, L. Hasselström and C. Håkansson, "Non-market valuation of the coastal environment - Uniting political aims, ecological and economic knowledge," Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 110, pp. 166-178, 2012.
C. Håkansson, G. Bostedt and G. Ericsson, "Exploring distributional determinants of large carnivore conservation in Sweden," Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 577-595, 2011.
M. Andersson, C. Håkansson and L. Holmgren, "Non-industrial private forest owners' financial risk taking : Does gender matter?," Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, vol. 25, pp. 6-13, 2010.
C. Håkansson, "Costs and benefits of improving wild salmon passage in a regulated river," Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 345-363, 2009.
C. Håkansson, "A new valuation question : analysis of and insights from interval open-ended data in contingent valuation," Environmental and Resource Economics, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 175-188, 2008.
C. Håkansson, "Gröna elcertifikat : Ett bakvänt och ineffektivt system," Ekonomisk debatt, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 32-36, 2003.
Conference papers
L. Isacs, G. Finnveden and C. Håkansson, "Valuation of Abiotic Resources in Life Cycle Assessment," in Life Cycle Management 2019, September, Poznan, Poland, 2019.
C. Hakansson and G. Finnveden, "Indirect Rebound and Reverse Rebound Effects in the ICT-sector and Emissions of CO2," in PROCEEDINGS OF ENVIROINFO AND ICT FOR SUSTAINABILITY 2015, 2015, pp. 66-73.
G. Finnveden, C. Håkansson and M. Noring, "A new set of valuation factors for LCA and LCC based on damage costs : Ecovalue 2012," in Perspectives on managing life cycles : Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Life Cycle Management, 2013, pp. 197-200.
C. Håkansson, P.-O. Johansson and B. Kriström, "Cost-Benefit Analysis of Environmental Change : Linking Theory to Empirical Observations," in Collected Conference Papers : Monte Veritá Conference on Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics June 6-10, 2004, 2004.
C. Håkansson et al., "Salmon and Hydropower : Dynamic Cost-Benefit Analysis- an Overview," in Aquatic habitats: analysis & restoration : fifth international symposium on ecohydraulics, September 12-17, 2004, Madrid, Spain, 2004.
Chapters in books
T. Kuhn et al., "The Missing Links in Ecosystem Service Research," in Southern Baltic Coastal Systems Analysis, H. Schubert, F. Müller Ed., : Springer, 2023, pp. 223-234.
C. Håkansson, P.-O. Johansson and B. Kriström, "Salmon and hydropower : Dynamic cost-benefit analysis," in The theory and practise of environmental and resource economics : essays in honour of Karl-Gustaf Löfgren, Aronsson, T., Axelsson, R., and R. Brännlund Ed., : Edward Elgar, UK, 2006, p. 172.
Non-peer reviewed
C. Håkansson, "Lax till högstbjudande," Miljöforskning : Formas tidning för ett uthålligt samhälle, vol. 2, pp. 30-31, 2008.
Chapters in books
C. Håkansson, "Värdering av kustmiljöer : Kan politiska mål vara förenliga med ekologisk och ekonomisk kunskap?," in Thule : Kungl. Skytteanska samfundets årsbok. 2010, Roger Jacobsson Ed., Umeå : Kungl. Skytteanska samfundet, 2010, pp. 90-96.
C. Håkansson, "Cost-Benefit Analysis and Valuation Uncertainty : Empirical contributions and methodological developments of a study on trade-offs between hydropower and wild salmon," Doctoral thesis : Arkitektkopia, Umeå, Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae, 2007:41, 2007.
C. Håkansson, "Ekosystemtjänster i Trafikverkets samhällsekonomiska analyser, samlade effektbedömningar och miljöbedömningar : Nuläge och utvecklingsmöjligheter," SEED, KTH, TRITA-ABE-RPT, 2322, 2023.
L. Isacs et al., ""I didn’t count WTP as part of the value": Respondents’ perspective on willingness to pay – an inductive approach," (Manuscript).
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