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Cecilia Håkansson

Profile picture of Cecilia Håkansson




About me

Cecilia Håkansson is an Associate Professor and Lecturer in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics at the Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering (SEED), KTH. She holds a PhD in Economics from the Department of Forest Economics, SLU-Umeå (2007). Her main areas of expertise are valuation of ecosystem services and cost-benefit analysis (CBA). 


I have an MSc in economics from the Swedish University of Natural Sciences (SLU)- Uppsala (2002). I did my PhD at the Department of Forest Economics, SLU-Umeå, between 2002-2007, and between 2007-2009 I worked as a researcher at the same department. Since late 2009 I have been working as a researcher, assistant professor, and associate professor (2015-) at the Department of Sustainable development, Environmental science and Engineering (SEED). My main research areas are: non-market valuation of ecosystem services (in monetary and non-monetary terms), cost-benefit analysis (CBA), benefit transfer, and distributional issues. In general, my valuation research has focused on a holistic valuation approach connected to actual policy and ecological science. Hence, I have worked interdisciplinary and aimed at presenting results that are directly usable for environmental managers to evaluate policy options, e.g. as part of a CBA.


Degree Project in Strategies for Sustainable Development, Second Cycle (AL250X), examiner, teacher | Course web

Energy, Environment and Sustainable development (AL1351), examiner, teacher | Course web

Environmental Economics (AL1357), examiner, course responsible | Course web

Learning for Sustainable Development (LH215V), teacher | Course web

Methods in Sustainability Science (FAL3512), examiner, teacher | Course web

Project in Environmental Strategic analysis 3 (FAL3504), examiner | Course web

Strategies for Sustainable development (AL1145), examiner | Course web

Profile picture of Cecilia Håkansson


Publication list