Marianela Ciolfi Felice
Om mig
I am a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Interaction Design at KTH, where I work on data-enabled and body-centred technologies. My interests lie in the intersections between critical feminist computing, AI, and soma design, and in how we can responsibly design, deploy and evaluate technology and interventions to help fighting against inequalities. (Disclaimer: I do not think that technology alone can ever be "the solution" to complex societal problems.)
In the last 4 years, my research has been recognised with 6 Best Paper awards (top 1% of submissions) and 2 Honorable mention awards (top 5% of submissions) in ACM CHI and ACM DIS, top conferences in my field.
I helped creating and am an active member of the ACM SIGCHI Latin American Community.
Previously, I worked at KTH as a postdoctoral research associate in the area of digital women's health. During that period I explored the design space of life transitions and experiences including menarche, menopause, and contraception, from a feminist Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) perspective.
Before joining KTH, I completed my doctoral studies in Computer Science at Université Paris Saclay, France. My thesis concerned the design of interactive tools to support expert creative practice in graphic design and contemporary choreography.
Between 2019-2024 I co-organised the 'FFF seminars' where our research lab hosts 1-hour talks from a variety of speakers.
What am I up to now?
Besides working on several research projects and papers with my group and with international collaborators, I feel excited to be the PI for a Digital Futures-funded postdoctoral project on designing technology for interdependence with sighted-guiding companions.
I am also a proud co-supervisor of three PhD students that explore topics in critical feminist computing.
My work with DataGénero NGO on AymurAI, a project that uses AI towards a feminist reform of justice in Latin America, is another source of passion.
In addition, I am the representative of the Human-Computer Interaction subject within the PhD Programme Committee for Mediated Communication at KTH.
I will be joining the EECS school's JML work group ("Gender equality, diversity and equal conditions").
Are you a Master student at KTH?
If you are interested in all things related to critical computing and feminism feel free to contact me via email about possibilities of thesis supervision or examination within my group. Please note that this only applies to students who are already doing their master's at KTH specifically, and about to conduct their degree project.
Examensarbete i datalogi och datateknik med inriktning mot interaktiv medieteknik, avancerad nivå (DA232X), examinator | Kurswebb
Examensarbete i datalogi och datateknik med inriktning mot media management, avancerad nivå (DA234X), examinator | Kurswebb
Examensarbete inom datalogi och datateknik med inriktning mot ICT innovation, avancerad nivå (DA258X), examinator | Kurswebb
Medieteknik och interaktionsdesign (DM2601), examinator, kursansvarig, lärare | Kurswebb
Sensorprogrammering för medieteknik (DM1588), examinator, kursansvarig | Kurswebb