Charlotta Linse
POSTDOC, Post doc
About me
I have a shared employement which means that I split my time between the Unit for Managment and Technology at the Department for Industrial Economics and Management and the Division for Networks and Systems Engineering at the Department for Computer Science.
I would describe myself as an ambitious, curios and organized “doer” fascinated by creativity, change and development. I get my energy from combining work tasks that are alternately performed individually and in groups, at a strategic and operational level, that are alternately investigative and goal-oriented, and that combine short deadlines with long-term commitments.
Currently I work with a qualitative reasearch study about the organizational consequences from undergoing agile transformations. Traditionally software development has been organized according to agile ways of working. The trend has spread to more types of organizations changing their businesses to become agile. The agile trend also coincides with an increasing number of traditional, large-scale product organizations increasing the digital component in their offerings and software development becoming an increasingly larger part of classical mechanical and electrical engineering.
In line with these two trends, more of the traditional product organizations are undergoing agile transformations. This gives rise to a number of research questions, such as: What (hypothetical) advantages are there that attract with the agile ways of working? What challenges with traditional methods does one want to solve? How is the work in the new organization managed? What happens to existing roles, routines and systems that do not fit into the new organization? What makes the transformation sustainable over time? Summarized: What are the organizational consequences of agile transformations?