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Anna Deichler

Profilbild av Anna Deichler





Om mig

I am a PhD student at TMH, affiliated with the AAIS (Advanced Adaptive Intelligent Systems) research group with supervision from Jonas Beskow and Iolanda Leite. I focus on behavior specification for virtual humanoids using machine learning techniques. My work is exploring reinforcement learning [1] and generative models [2] for gesture generation with a focus on referential communication. In future work, I am interested in the combination and trade-off of these methods. I am also interested how recent advances in language modeling can be leveraged in interactive embodied agents and the use of pre-trained models within modular architectures. Furthermore, I am also interested in the use of VR for training interactive agents.

[1] Deichler, Anna, et al. "Learning to generate pointing gestures in situated embodied conversational agents."Frontiers in Robotics and AI 10 (2023): 1110534.
[2] Deichler, Anna, et al. "Diffusion-based co-speech gesture generation using joint text and audio representation."Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. 2023.


Multimodala interaktioner och gränssnitt (DT2140), assistent | Kurswebb

Mänsklig perception för informationsteknik (DM2350), lärare | Kurswebb

Språkteknologi (DD2417), assistent | Kurswebb