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Eva Hartell

Profile picture of Eva Hartell

Affiliated faculty, Intermittent



About me

PhD and teacher in technology/engineering ed, mathematics and science (STEM) with great interest in educational assessment and teachers' voice. Different purpose of assessment, main focus classroom formative assessment. Test development. Digital assessment tools, eg adaptive comparative judgement.

Key words: formative assessment, assessment, self-efficacy, assessment literacy, comparative judgement, stem education, practioner based research

Appreciated lecturer and sharing experience from school development in primary and secondary education. Currently head of research at Department for education in Haninge.

On-going projects

  1. Embedding formative assessment in classroom practices, in Haninge municipality.
  2. K-ULF Kompensatorisk Undervisning för Lärande och Forskning. Funded by ULF-avtal.
  3. Analytic holistic. Teachers' assessment practices - focusing grading in Mathematics and English. Funded by VR
  4. ATSSTEMAssessment of Transversal Skills in STEM [ ATSSTEM international website] Funded by Erasmus + [ 2019–2022 ]
  5. Comparative judgements and digital portfolios e.g. international collaborative study investigating teachers’ assessment practices in USA, UK and Sweden w Purdue university. Visiting scholar Purdue University, spring 2018.
  6. Tillit till IT i programmeringsundervisning. Programming with pupils w reading challenges. Funded by SPSM.
  7. Nordplus project Beyond technology, bring your own device, use (and not use) of mobile phones and iPads in instruction in Nordic countries. Denmark, Finland and Sweden. Funded by Nordplus Junior.
  8. Teachers’ self-efficacy in assessment in technology. Springer International Handbook of Technology Education.
  9. Visiting scholar Kanazawa University. Fall 2017.


Cognitive Psychology for Teachers: Mathematics (LD1006), teacher | Course web

Degree Project in Technology and Learning, Second Cycle (LT200X), teacher | Course web