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Frank Jiang

Profile picture of Frank Jiang


About me

I am a WASP academic PhD student under the supervision of Professor Karl Henrik Johansson and co-supervision of Professor Jonas Mårtensson. Starting January 2020, I have been working on the allocation of decision processes in support networks for automated vehicles.

Background: I received a B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) from UC Berkeley in 2016. After graduation, I stayed at UC Berkeley from 2016-2017 to work under the supervision of Professor Claire J. Tomlin on UAV traffic management, machine learning for UAV flight control, and reachability-based control for safety-critical systems. During my time at UC Berkeley, I also held a Visiting Scholar position in Professor Ye Yuan's group at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology. In 2017, I worked as a Machine Learning and Robotics engineer at OffWorld, Inc, where I primarily worked on machine learning design for mining robots in terrestrial and space applications. From 2018-2019, I conducted research and developped experimental platforms with the Division of Decision and Control Systems here at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, where I also closely collaborated with the Integrated Transport Research Lab (ITRL). In the same year, I received my M.S. degree in Systems, Control, and Robotics from KTH and wrote my M.S. thesis on "The Automated Vehicle Traffic Control Tower".

For more details about my work, please see my personal webpage linked on the right.

For M.S. students looking for thesis projects or research opportunities:

I am always looking for students who share the same interests with me to work with. So, if you are interested in working on topics related to:

  • Safety for automated vehicles
  • Automated vehicle traffic control towers
  • Connected vehicles
  • ML for intelligent transportation systems

please send me an email describing your interests and including your CV and/or transcript.


Automatic Control, General Course (EL1010), assistant | Course web

Automatic Control, Project Course, Smaller Course (EL2425), assistant | Course web